Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Time and Luck. Happy and Sad

"Samay se pehle aur bhagya se jyada kisi ko kuch nahi milta", means "One cannot get more than its luck and before time."

But what does this mean? What do one understand by above phrase? When one says "before its time" what exactly one is referring to? What is time here? For example, does this mean that I will get a sum of Rs. 23,000/- on 17th feb 2013 at 10:00 A.M. Now is this date and time means 'Samay' or the so called 'time'?

O.K. someone may say that this is not time, other scenario could be at the age of 32 years 25 days I will get Rs 42,000/-. Is this really “TIME”?

I don’t believe this. This "TIME" is nothing but calculation system developed by humans for their own convenience.

To illustrate, one may train a dog to do various things but is it possible to train a dog to do something specific on say 29th August 2014? Or is it possible to train a dog to do something when it achieves an age of say 224 days?

Why can’t we? What is the difference? A dog lives on the same 'Earth' and it shares the same day and night with us, then why the principles of our time are not applied to a dog? In the same way, why do we perceive that same theory of "Time" will be applicable to opening phrase?

Let’s move to human theory of time. How does the time moves?

As far as I understand, the time calculation is dependent as per the position of sun and earth with respect to each other in our solar system. Now, my question is can you stop the time if you have complete control over universe?
Your answer will be YES. You will order everything in the universe to stop moving or doing anything at all and everything will come to stand still. But have you really stopped the 'TIME' or you have stopped only 'MOTION'. Now, can you tell me, for how much time have you stopped time? How exactly are you going to calculate time if nothing is moving? In this case a single thought cannot occur to you because how can you say that that particular thought process took how much time?

My conclusion is that we cannot define time lest control it then what exactly is the meaning of "BEFORE TIME" in the opening phrase?

This is nothing but the cause and effect theory, or action and reaction or simply put 'if, then else' statements.

This "samay" in "samay se pehle" ("time" in "before time") is defined by your "karma", your actions, and your doings. You can stop a clock but you cannot stop time. Because time is nothing, these hours’ minutes’ dates are created by us only.

Means, for calendar, base year is 1 A.D. Means we have taken somebody's death as a base point and created a calendar, or we have taken the position on earth or sun or moon as a base then created a complete scale with that particular position.

So if you believe that there is something called as 'LUCK' then how can you be sure that 'LUCK' is using same system of calculating time as you are?

What I experienced is the timeline of 'LUCK' is based on our 'karmas' and a secondary perimeter is the growth of our body.

In programming language it will be demonstrated as below:

     if (PhysicalBodyCondition && KarmasCondition)

Now, this some object or something other could be something materialistic or an emotional state of mind. So if it is your 'LUCK' that you will win 100 meter race, nothing will happen unless you yourself decide to take part in a 100 meter race. If you don’t even participate, means you have not placed your physical body in a race you cannot win it at all.

SO, 'LUCK' is dependent on your 'karmas'

But what is 'LUCK' and what is written in LUCK and why is it written?

I took an example by saying i will receive Rs. 42000/-. If i was living in U.S. I would have written $ instead of Rs.  How could be LUCK so specific about some currency? Like horoscope says "dhan ki prapti hogi" (one will receive money today), but what exactly is "Money" here? Is it some paper currency created by human or is it some metal like gold?

So money is nothing but a tool or instrument which has some value for two reasons:-
1) It is a rare quantity
2) Everybody says so and accept it

Can you reward a dog by paying it some money for a particular action? No.

So I believe that something as specific as money could not have been written in your 'LUCK'.
So what could possibly be written in your 'LUCK'? Just look around you, what exactly do you need to live???

To live, your body needs air, water and food, which is provided to you by nature in some form or other, and consumption of these things does not vary from person to person. At a given point, every human in this world needs the same quantity of food, air and water to stay alive and they are plenty.

Then why do we need other things like money for?

The answer is Binary. We need other things like money because we feel and believe that if we have other things we will be 'HAPPY' or else we will be 'SAD'. So only things that is written in "LUCK" is happy and sad, which are the results of our 'karma' or actions.

Note one thing here, 'karma' or actions does not mean only physical movement of body, 'karma; also refers to the constant thought process of your mind. Because 'thoughts' (vichar) are the fuel for physical action. You cannot perform any physical action without a thought process prior to it.

Therefore, it’s you karma which makes you happy or sad.

Q: You need a LCD TV. Why?
A: It will make me happy.

Q: You want to look beautiful? Why?
A: Others will see me and compliment me and I will be 'HAPPY'.

Q: You need to earn 70,000/- per month. Why?
A: I will take care of my family properly and that will make me 'HAPPY'.

Q: Above does not happen. What will happen?
A: I will be 'SAD'

Can you tell any other outcome of your actions, other than your being 'HAPPY' or 'SAD'??

So, whatever you do and think to do have a simple basic question underneath.

Will it make me happy?????

Now the biggest problem arises:-


Buying a 50' LCD TV will make me happy, no doubt about that, but will I remain happy after buying it? NO
I will be in need of something other to become happy again.

We need to make ourselves content and we have to justify us only in front of ourselves because only we know what exactly is going inside our thoughts.

There are numerous objects which make us happy or sad, but our search is always for that ultimate object after which you will not worry about other objects.

Therefore, below is the programming for LUCK

            string ME = " ";
            string INNERME = "";
            int happinesQuotient = 0;

check 1.
if(somethinghappens) .. something happens by our karma
       if(somethinghappnes is positive)
                      happinessQuotient  += 1;
                    happinessQuotient * = -10;  // if we done something wrong and feel happy about it
                                                             // our happiness quotient will go into negative.
ME = "SAD";
happinessQuotient = happinessQuotient - 1;

check 2.
if(INNERME == HAPPY) //but our program always checks for inner me status
happinessQuotient = 42;
ME = "SAD";
happinessQuotient = happinessQuotient - 1;

check 3.
if(happinessQuotient == 42) // 42 is the ultimate answer for ultimate question
        INNERME = "HAPPY";
//no else statement

From above, one can see that if your INNERME becomes happy, your ME will always be happy irrespective of "check 1".

"One cannot get anything before TIME and not more than what is written in LUCK"

Here, TIME is actually our karmas and LUCK means simply to search for the ultimate object which makes us HAPPY permanently. Rest is worthless.

For now on, before doing anything, just think whether it will lead you to that path where your inner me will become 'HAPPY'.

…………. To be continued